D O E School Calendar. Parents can select and compare up to three schools at a time and most data points feature a "Performance in Context" option, which compares these data. NSW Department of Education School Calendar with term and school holiday dates may be viewed here.
Find past, present and future NSW public school term and vacation dates, our printable calendar and term planner plus test and exam dates. Elementary, Secondary, Holidays and PA Days plus special dates to remember. These calendars include the information of holidays and other events of the school.
Your school's Bell schedule, minimum or early release days, after-school activities and varying office hours all need tracking.
Parents/ public can find schools near them by entering an address, city, or zip code OR they can select a corporation/school by typing the name.
Find past, present and future NSW public school term and vacation dates, our printable calendar and term planner plus test and exam dates. It is important that parents actively participate in. Check the calendar icon next to each class on your schedule in My ASU for the prorated deadline dates.