U Of M School Calendar 2021. Events and dates marked with an asterisk are days of non-attendance (in course, clinic, preceptorship, or any other educational experience) for medical students in the class as defined above. Evening classes may have final exams scheduled during reading days.
The sunrise and sunset are calculated from New York. An overview of the Law School calendar appears below and a more detailed version will be posted at a later date. Evening classes may have final exams scheduled during reading days.
The academic calendar for the IU School of Medicine MD Program varies by stage of training.
To avoid excluding students, families and staff from important meetings or activities, PGCPS prohibits scheduling these events on major holidays noted with an asterisk (*) on this calendar.
The calendar features two fewer days for students and teachers, which was done with the Plano ISD Strategic Plan in mind, and aligns more closely with the number of days area districts attend school. All formats have a session beginning in May. The templates include both monthly and yearly school calendars, and the yearly calendars work for any school year.